Pretty Day .............

Crested Caracara Right Profile at the Brevard Zoo

Sandhill Crane - Grus canadensis

Glossy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus

Female Boat-Tailed Grackle

Bald Eagle Brevard Zoo

Lagoon Sunset

Fast Food (Tri-Colored Heron)

The Edge of the World

Cocoa Beach

View from the porch...

3 window coupe

Cocoa Beach Pier

Noctilucent Cloud From Delta Rocket Launch

Sandhill Crane Chick Close-Up at the Brevard Zoo, Florida

A view of the pier in Cocoa Beach.

Independence Day

Cocoa Beach Pier in Florida

Spirit of ecstacy

Early evening along the beach

King Vulture in Profile at the Brevard Zoo, Florida

There's Nothing Like This

Sounds of silence - Amelia Island, FL

No more cold


Sunrise through clouds over Viera Wetlands with obligatory coot in foreground

Dawn of a new day

Early Birds 2

Climbing Cactus #15: @ 11.07pm

Beach Camera Ham

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Monday morning

Viera Wetlands

It was a stormy week.

Clouds at Cocoa Beach

Picture 289

Picture 296

Cocoa Beach Pier in the early evening

She met me under the pier - Cocoa Beach Pier

sunrise and grass 2