The Master of Disguise

Sometimes we get lucky

Rising Tide

Sunday Morning Market

Derelict-ion of Duty

Transmission through Venus

Bursting Clouds

Arms Wide Open

View from the fish market

Golden hour view

(N. American Species # 580) Scarlet Ibis

Port of Spain

CO 1069-392-24

Tea at Pax Guesthouse

View from fish market in Trinidad

Woodbrook, Port of Spain

Common Waxbill Improved

White-faced Whistling Ducks in Flight

Nearing sunset on the Foreshore

Roseate Spoonbill Ajaia ajaja Flight

Pectoral Sandpiper

Marge, the water's too cold I say

Stripe-backed Bittern

Early One Morning

Seedtime and Harvest

Little Blue Heron Nesting

Poui Tree under the moon

Stilt in the Grass

Short-eared Owl

Egg in Your Face

at sea

North Coast

Sunset at Savanah (2)

Sitting On The...

among the brush

Immatures are difficult...

Sail into the Rising Sun

Day 1 on location completed for @enticecarnival & @fantasycarnival. Gonna blow you away this year! Are you ready for the 23rd July at the Oval!! #entice #enticecarnival #fantasy #fantasycarnival #carnival2017 #onlocation #ahoot #carnivalshoot #costumes #s

Pylon Sunlit