Early Start

Sunset Point

an Oystercatcher Sunset

Star of Cape May

Seeing The World For 25 Cents

ocean front property

Pesky mosquitoes

evening glow

Common Green Darner Dragonfly (Anax junius) Close-up

come sit here on the beach with me...

Burn your retinas with these coin-op binoculars at sunset beach.

a sunny day down near the lighthouse

Mississippi Kite


Cedar Wax Wing-0194-3E.jpg

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Black Skimmer

Little Star

Cape May Point Lighthouse-4257-4E.jpg

The Atlantus Shipwreck

Neo Doo-Wop

The impasse was all in my mind

Infinite reflection

Beach drifters

Point Wave

Horizon Sun Set

Buenos días

Cape May Sunset - Explored 9/16/2012

after the rain passes

Shooting the shooter

Cape May Sunset

Cloud Army

Ferris Attack

the magic time

Jersey Shore I

Windswept Divide

Color in the Dunes

Wreck of the Concrete Ship

.. Minutes later