Autumn Anywhere
Red Squirrel posing
Red Squirrel
Autumn Leaves
Red squirrel feeding
Autumn Anywhere
Autumn Park
Volga view
I've gotta see you
Let me see your hands
Eurasian Red Squirrel
Can't get enough of rooftop views #samara #roofing #rooftop #sunset #cityscape #urban
Red squirrel eating bread
Have a good day for everyone!
Red squirrel eating bread
Issoria lathonia, Queen of Spain fritillary
After the Rain
Самара. Взгляд с набережной #самара #набережная #вид #фонарь #samara #embankment #light #view
Polyommatus icarus, Common Blue
Issoria lathonia, Queen of Spain fritillary
A view from Ladya
Painting without borders [Explored ]| Картина без границ
Happy people...
87/365 - Volga River
#sunset #samara #nature #iphone #instagram На набережной
When the sun goes to bed #samara #tulips #flowers #sunrise #volga #river #nofilter
It's cloudy, but the Volga river and Zhiguli mountains on the other side still look gorgeous, come rain or come shine #river #samara #volga #zhiguli #landscape #nature #riverside