City in sight

Église Saint-Eustache depuis le lit gelé de la Rivière du Chêne / St.Eustache church as seen from the frozen bed of the Rivière-du-Chêne

Square Sunset

It's a wonderful day - Une tres belle journee

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric)

Autumn leaf

Ice fishing in the storm

Water Drops

Lilly-of-the Valley

Into the Mist

My Best Shot Of A Marsh Wren

Light catchers (against a stormy sky)

The precision of naming takes away from the uniqueness of seeing. -Pierre Bonnard {EXPLORED} December 24, 2011

140510 Les berges de la brise -4730-2

Northern Cardinal

140510 Pano de 12 Montréal copie r

IMG_7858 Parc berge de la brise copie

Cormoran à aigrettes

flickr was here

Storm Chaser

Coucher de soleil

A Rusty Fire Hydrant [EXPLORED]

White-throated Sparrow-27

under the bridge

angel & sunset

kayak under the sun

I see rainbows!

here comes fall

between branches

Autumn Reflections

a serene place

a bright light

perspective reflected

Coucher de soleil - Sunsetl

Parc-nature de l'Île-de-la-Visitation

Le Bois-de-l'Équerre le 6 novembre 2012.....de la glace dans l'eau

Au fil de l'eau/Winter scene

À l'ombre/In the Shades

Coulée (autre point de vue)

Ghosts of the lake


Rocky Twilight