Early light, River Wye

River Wye from Yat Rock

Monmouth (View from Kymin), Monmouthshire, Wales (1 of 1)

Border lands

Hereford England

Angels, a demon and knights in shining armour

Hereford Cathedral, Nave

Symonds Yat Rock

Mine! said the Wye

Fishing on the Wye

The Gazebo Tower

The Gazebo Tower

Whitecastle .. Abergavenny

River Wye

arbor hibernus

Sugar Loaf and Skirrid

Black Lion

High Street


Biblin's Suspension Bridge, Symonds Yat, Herefordshire.

The seat without a view

Light through Trees, Symonds Yat Rock, Forest of Dean

Yat Rock

Early Autumn, Yat Rock

River Wye

Goodrich Castle

Whitecastle ... Abergavenny

What's The Point

Goodrich Castle

At a bend in the river

A Welsh Odyssey

Symonds Yat

Autumnal Woodland - River Wye

Symonds yat rock (2 of 1)

White Castle

Monmouth... River Wye

Monmouth... Monnow Bridge

Boat Inn, Redbrook

Whitecastle ... Abergavenny