Main arch span down

A painted rock promoting the recently held Catch the Ace - Beyond 21 lottery in Williamstown, Ontario

Stream Echo Gardens Cornwall

365: Day 124

the great front yard perseid search

365: Day 23

Carl's Smoke and Gift Shop, Cornwall, Ontario

St-Lawrence Seaway

In retreat...

Capital Theatre mural, Cornwall, Ontario

Chapel of the Holy Family

365: Day 50

St-Lawrence Seaway

St-Lawrence Seaway

Wall in Cornwall, Ontario

Cascades Stream Echo Gardens Cornwall

Skating on thick ice...

Stream Echo Gardens Cornwall

Lucky 7 Rising Moon

Field Chamomile

Stream Echo Gardens Cornwall

Hanging on

Cornwall sunset

Gray's Creek Conservation Area

Fall Leaves colors Cornwall

365: Day 134

Calm Before the Storm

Morning Mist

Early morning shoot

Frozen Pond

Liquid silver

365: Day 225

St. Lawrence River sunrise

365: Day 362

365: Day 121

365: Day 128

Fall Leaves colors Cornwall

Fall Leaves colors Cornwall

365: Day 178

Brash Ice