past, present and future

Another Pelican Portrait...

Prime Viewing

St. Johns Town Center, Jacksonville, Psalm 119:105

A get well sunrise

Carnival Fascination at Blue Hour

Current view. Pool on my right, beach on my left and life beautifully ahead. Inspired by @wehjr

Kingsley Plantation House

Jacksonville Beach Pier

Rear-View Mirror Sunset

View from Ft. Caroline National Memorial, Timucuan Preserve, Jacksonville, Florida, Psalm 73:24

Took this the other night. Love how the sun while setting bounces its light off the clouds.

Tideviews Preserve, Atlantic Beach, Psalm 16:11

Living Room Panorama

My View

Jacksonville Arboretum, Proverbs 27:19

flying home

for my buddy #2

Early Morning View

last of days

Ocean Ambience