Masking time #10

Masking time #07

View to water tower

Halle Saale Leipziger Turm

r a n d o m . c a r t

Halle Saale by night

changes in perception | explored

night shift

medical center


Former orphanage in Halle

Human Habitats

Socialism and Architecture

Socialism and Architecture

Former orphanage in Halle

Church and Market

Marktkirche Halle (Saale)

Human Habitats

Karl Lagerfeld Fotografie (360 x 180)

Power against the sun

Graffiti of a Boy

Stadtpark Halle (Saale)


Baumbart, der älteste der Ents

Morgennebel in der Aue

Forest creek


field path under construction

steam .


Sonnenuntergang am Geiseltalsee

Njáls little Norway

View from Riveufer to Ziegelwiese with high water of Saale

search and find - suchen und finden

Sunset at the Geisel

new selfie

Großer Kohlweißling, weiblich

towards the sun

he comes