Packing Up

Unami Creek panorama

Spurred Ceratina (Ceratina calcarata)

soil centipede (Strigamia bothriopus)

plant bug (Tropidosteptes cardinalis)

long-legged fly (Condylostylus [comatus group])

parasitic fly (Subfamily: Exoristinae)

crab spider (Mecaphesa)

leaf blotch miner moth (Phyllocnistis)

hairy-winged barklouse (Polypsocus corruptus)

common sawfly (Subfamily: Nematinae)

hairy-winged barklouse (Polypsocus corruptus)

robber fly (Cerotainia)

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

mason bee (Osmia [possibly pumila])

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

common sawfly (Subfamily: Nematinae)

plant bug (Tropidosteptes cardinalis)

robber fly (Cerotainia)

long-legged fly (Condylostylus [comatus group])

Office view

Dam At Green Lane.jpg

Lake Nockamixon

Jackson chasing after Molly. #latergram

Perkasie, Pennsylvania

A little photography session at Green Lane. #reflection #Autumn #fall

Spillway at Lake Nockamixon

Backside of Lake Nockamixon Dam

Sunset 11/26/11 #2

Bella looks at the stream

Ridge Valley Creek IV

Green Lane Reservoir

"Lake House"

Snow on the Lake

Crawling roots

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

lake towhee park

Burning Ice

Fall colors at Nockamixon

Ridge Valley Creek XX

Full frame color

Tohickon Creek