Bass River Sunset (Cape Cod)

Here's a weird panorama/stitched view #fromwhereIstand. Well sit, actually. It's nice to escape everything else for a few minutes. Plus there are apparently proven links of the sound f the ocean calming humans like the sound of a womb. Neat, I suppose. An

Picture Frame

Guess where U.S.A.

Cape Cod Railroad 1502 & 1201. 23.08.2010

Starboard View @hylinecruises

Kalmus Beach, Hyannis, MA

Nor'easter 2004

Pay for view

Hodge Podge to View the Bogs

View Through

Cape Cod USA

A Bad Day To Wear Stripes-

Cape Cod USA

Starboard View @hylinecruises

First stop at Cape Cod - the morning at West Dennis Beach

Eastern Bluebird

Scenic view of Barnstable Harbor

My view at 6:56 AM. #capecod #centerville

Stormy Summer Sunday at Basshole

Hyannis, Massachusetts

Brewster Grist Mill Cape Cod

Herring Run - Brewster

Deep Stillness (Breakwater, Harwich Port) [explored 5-Jan 2016]

snowy retreat

walking the dog 7

Sandy Neck Light

Splash - 04

Grey's Beach Estuary

Bass Hole sunset

The Road Not Taken

Cape Cod beach - painting

Splash - 08

2013-01-03 14.48.20

Return to Hyannis after sunset

More Sandy Neck Light

Barnstable Harbor

Veteran's Beach, Hyannis, MA

Bass Hole sunset

cape cod