Bird Foot

Crystal River Preserve

Homossa Springs Wildlife State Park

Sky view

Homossa Springs Wildlife State Park

Covered Boat Slip on Crystal River

View from Temple Mound, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

View from Temple Mound, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

Park Grounds, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

View from Temple Mound, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

Great Egret (Ardea alba)

American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

Great Egret (Ardea alba) in Breeding Plumage

Park Grounds, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

Pickup Truck Decorated for Pirate Fest

Burial Mound, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

Fish, Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park

Flamingo Bands

Temple Mound, Crystal River Archaeological State Park

Crested Caracara Close-up

Whooping Crane (Grus americana)

The Chaz

Chassahowtizka Seepage Stream

Found the Sunset

Downriver on The Chaz

Crystal River, Florida

Phaon Crescent

Gulf Fritillary

Seven Sisters Spring

Marginal Mangrove

Fort Island Trail

The Chaz

Fort Island Trail

Downriver on The Chaz

Seven Sisters Spring

Three Sisters Springs

Potter Creek

Seven Sisters Spring

Off Duty

Vanishing Boardwalk

Sunset over the marsh, Crystal River, Florida.