Odessa Meteor Crater

Happy Super Sunday

HTEDance Staff Road Trip West Texas Summer Circuit ODESSA METEOR CRATER Batman & Scruffy

HTEDance Staff Road Trip West Texas Summer Circuit ODESSA METEOR CRATER Jeffrey & Jesse with Batman and Scruffy!

HTEDance Staff Road Trip West Texas Summer Circuit ODESSA METEOR CRATER Deep In The Heart of Texas!

Odessa Meteor Crater Site, Odessa, TX

I totally did

Odessa Crater

Odessa Crater

Odessa Crater

Odessa Crater

Odessa Crater

5. Asteroid Belt

8. Uranus

9. Neptune

3. Earth

Standing Out

Stay On Path

West Texas Desolation

Small Crater, Odessa, Texas

Odessa Meteor Crater Museum, Odessa, Texas

Odessa Meteor Crater Marker, Odessa, Texas

Odessa Meteor Crater Site, Odessa, TX

Odessa Meteor Crater Site, Odessa, TX

Bill and Willa

Odessa Meteor Crater Site, Odessa, TX