219/365 - Uneeda Biscuit Building

220/365 - L&N Railroad Turn Bridge & Trestles

247/365 - Tree Silhouette at Sunset

Noahs Branch Fork - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (Tennessee)

Hidden in plain view...

Cherub At Rest

Early Autumn on the Cumberland bluffs...

1951 Willys truck - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky

1951 Willys truck - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky

Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee - Cumberland River at College Street

Sweet Fade

Watch For Deer With Really Long Schlongs

The Knights of Pythias

The Gables

Faded Gold

Hillside View

KHOP, Campbell Army Airfield - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky


213/365 - Barn Life

178/365 - Corn

Gate 6 Auto Repair sign - Clarksville, Tennessee

Red Barn @ gate 7

227/365 - L&N Railroad Turn Bridge

251/365 - Helicopters at Sunset

C5 Galaxy climb-out

Grand Finale...

The Trail Is This Way

Swan Lake - Dunbar Cave State Park, Clarksville, Tennessee

Riverwalk - Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee

248/365 - Foggy Sunrise

2010_0506 1922.. Stretch of Riverside

Clarksville Marina at Liberty Park

Lake Taal - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (Tennessee)

Ducks in the Children's Fishing Area below Lake Taal - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (Tennessee)

Evey T on the Cumberland

View for the day.