Pine Gully Park 8

Morning Dragon

As invisible as you can be

Sunset Tuesday

Lunar Landing

Morning Has Broken

ReMax Ballunar Liftoff - Nassau Bay, Texas

ReMax Ballunar Liftoff - Nassau Bay, Texas

Saturn V, Third Stage Tank

Shuttle Cockpit

Intricate Wiring, Saturn V

Saturn V

Bayou View

Tiger Dragon

Fan Palm

Bayshore Park

Another view

The waking of the sun

Sylvan Sunset Houston, TX

Uneasy Rider

War of Worlds Dragon

Straggling Freedom

Duck Duck Goose

Basking in the sunlight


Northern Part

The early bird

Razor Sea Grass

Flight Path

Bay Sunrise - Seabrook, Texas


Bow Wow!

There is a treasure

Clouds over Horsepen Bayou

Final version - Sunrise on the Bay

Promise of Light

Droplets On Leaf

2014 Yellow Supermoon at Texas Coastal Bend

A Quite Morning - Seabrook, Texas

Into the Night