convair b-36j "peacemaker"

Matches, patches and despatches

airplane graveyard. tucson, az. 1999.

"Dem Bones, dem Bones, dem dry bones"

United Aeronautical yard, Tucson, AZ

Convair B36J Peacemaker Strategic Bomber 1947-1959

What is this line & the dumpsters doing here?

Sycamore Vista Subdivision Unit 2

Snow and Rain in the Desert

SR-71 Engine

Mount Fagan and Peaks of the Santa Rita Mountains Far off in the Distance

Gila Woodpecker

Gamble's Quail

Broad-billed Hummingbird

airplane graveyard. tucson, az. 1999.

horse sun details [IMG_0594]

airplane graveyard. tucson, az. 1999.

Broad-billed Hummingbird

sun burning through the clouds [IMG_0606]

Northrup YC-125 in HDR

white horse sunset [IMG_0592]

Arizona State Bird Cactus Wren

#tucson #arizona #pima #pimaair #spacemuseum

Northern Cardinal Male

Granite Cliff Perched Cactus Wren

Western Wood-pewee

Curved-billed Thrasher

Anna's Hummingbird Male inflight

Mexican Cardinal - Pyrrhuloxia - Male

Pyrrhuloxia Male

NS 9117 west Stacks,Cienega Creek Arizona 10.10.2018

Male Pyrrhuloxia

Bad Bill Finch

Verdin Male

Rosy-faced Lovebird

Loving Pair Rosy-faced Lovbirds

Curve-billed Thrasher

Male House Finch

Male Pyrrhuloxia

Verdin Male

Rosy-faced Lovebird

Lockheed C-130 Hercules tactical airlifters and Santa Catalina Mountains - Tucson Arizona - Davis-Monthan Air Force Base boneyard . .