The Duck Pond

Capitol View

Utah Capitol – Long View

Olympus, Twins Atop

Into The Distance

Cliff Rose

first contact


the fog lifts

river flows in you

Cloud Top

time slices

reality, filtered

a tight-knit community

"And so I throw the windows wide and call to you across the sky"

winter's embrace

outre space

it seemed so important at the time

first impressions

Crystals Broken

variations on a theme

Hideout To Hideout

Endless Fracture Formative

You Cannot Hide In The Sky

The view

Salty Grid


Cove's Comfort Zones

a bit of this, a bit of that

DAY 192

Salt Lake City - Utah - Sea Gull Monument - Historic

Near the top

fruit cluster, smooth sumac, Mt Olympus trail

Red Butte Garden

A Hidden Overhang

Comfort This Perch

Flowers by the reservior

Fuzzy Dude

Autumn morning in the Wasatch