Black-throated Green Warbler

Winter Wren

Yellow Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Carolina Wren

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Swamp Sparrow

Waiting for the Subway 8th Ave Central Park West Upper West Side Manhattan New York City NY P00671 20191005_150559

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Red-eyed Vireo

Lesser Yellowlegs

Black-throated Green Warbler

Northern Parula

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Yellow Warbler

Winter Wren

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Yellow Warbler

The game of lights

Henry Hudson Bridge

Birch Trees

Bronx River (styx)

Hudson River Landscape - Manhattan, New York City

Highland Creek

Just Around the Bend

120/366 Spring Blooms

The Bronx River

Winter Trees

Bronx Island at Low Tide

Frosted Spring Morning

155/366 Purple Salvia

Silver and Gold

Alley Creek Morning

Bronx River in Scarsdale

Molten autumn

Larchmont RIver

Foggy Morning

No frogs this time, maybe tomorrow....

Magic woods ...