
Mother Natures beauty

Pink Cloud Sunrise 12.19.13

Termite Log

Ozark Alabama 1

#cheetochan #sturgillustration #swag #illuminatimess #hotsauceinmybag #可愛い #スコティッシュフォールド #イラストレーター

Hampton Inn, Ozark (Ala.), 22 October 2015

Hampton Inn, Ozark (Ala.), 22 October 2015

White Pine Celtic Arts Council

Dothan airport as it is now

Hurry up and wait

Patriotic and colorful

A filled in arm

Waiting for take off

Dothan airport back in the late 1960s

A brilliant blue to light up the terminal

No Parking

Sad face

Ozark Fire Dept Engine 9 E-One

Newton Police Dept Dodge Charger

Home Sweet Home

Little neutrinos over Alabama

Senator Shelby visiting Coleman World Group in Dale County.

Senator Shelby visiting Coleman World Group in Dale County.

Senator Shelby visiting Coleman World Group in Dale County.