
Lake Michigan

CEN Pentwater MI 1907 RARE View of the Potato Market at the GA WILLIAMS RESORT HOTEL that never opened known by some as THE WHITE ELEPHANT because it was a lot of things BURNED 19288

Bedroom View

Rain Clouds over Lake Michigan

Fall colors - Conrad Road

Steps down to Lake Michigan

Fall colors, Minolta X-700, Fuji 200 film

Pere Marquette Hwy, Minolta Hi-Matic AF2 film camera

Kibby Creek Roadside Park

More Ludington Cherry Blossoms

Scottville Riverside Park, Scottville Michigan

Browning of the asparagus field

Windswept Lake Michigan Shore

They'll never find me here

Renewable energy

Renewable energy II

John Gurney Park Across Hart Lake

Scottville, Michigan Windmills


The Evening Dock

Autumn forest edge along fall asparagus field

Misting in the asparagus field

Pentwater: Lake Michigan Sunset

Pentwater: Lake Michigan Sunset