azure horizon

Day 3, Yucca flowers - plus bugs (Eastern Leaf Footed Bug / Leptoglossus phyllopus)?

Day 12, Goose Island State Park, South Texas

View from the Wharf Cat

Windblown Roseate Spoonbill

Fly Robin fly

Day 2, young White Ibis, Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary, South Texas

Aransas County Airport

Aransas Pass

Up, Up and Away!

First Sunrise EVER

Salt Lake

Where are all the sea shells?

Day 2, Savannah Sparrow, South Texas

The Chase...National Wildlife Magazine Photo of the Day, January 11, 2013

View of the Beach

View from Texas Maritime Museum

The Shaft Day Three

Four Roseate Spoonbills

Goose Island Campground

view from fishing pier


Day 1, Great Blue Heron / Ardea herodias


"Swim at your own risk"


Fulton Beach RD 7-12-2017-100-7

Day 3, ENDANGERED Whooping Cranes / Grus americana at sunrise

Fulton Beach RD 7-12-2017-100-6

Great Blue Herons in rookery


The Hurricane Oaks No. 1

starstrails over Goose Island State Park campground

Ruddy Turnstone

Texas bound to see Carly and Trip

Hidden Marsh

Branch Support for the Big Tree


Big Sky over Aransas Bay