Gibbsland Sinclair-Front View

My view today...

Post Office 71001 (Arcadia, Louisiana)

As the sun sets on another deer season, I am grateful to have had another opportunity to spend this special time with my Dad. No meat in the freezer, but I get to keep these memories forever!

Life Flight

"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

"Find something you're passionate about and stay tremendously interested in it." ~Julia Child

"What you do has far greater impact than what you say." ~Stephen Covey

#DoubleTap #Love ❤️ #Like ???? if you agree.

Bienville Parish, Louisiana Sheriff

Arcadia, Louisiana Police

And while I sit here capturing, exporting, rendering and converting, I'll leave you with this giant pancake to ponder.

Mobil Premium Once

Ambush Site Too

Ambush Site

Out in the Country

Out in the Country

Mr. Lebanon Cemetary

Mr. Lebanon Cemetary

The Red Caboose

The Red Caboose

The Red Caboose

United States Post Office

United States Post Office

United States Post Office

United States Post Office