The Aviator

Rail Car Graffiti

St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Terre Haute, Indiana

An XL (lent!) Chase Part 18

Franey General Council, 1948-1953

1940 Henney Packard Hearse

Abandoned National Road

1940 Henney Packard Hearse

The classic Haley view


Union Station, Terre Haute, Indiana

this way

Canadian Pacific Springhill Tower, Terre Haute, Indiana

The view from ... ?

CSX 757 - HDR

TBER 100 at Lost Creek

City Building and police force, Terre Haute, Indiana

Indiana State Normal, Terre Haute, Indiana

hiding from me?

Big 4 Station, Terre Haute, Indiana

Stainless Tangle

Double Barn

Otter Creek

Early spring sunset on the wabash river -photography by jamie s grimes

White Chapel

White Violet Farm Alpacas

early mornin light on the cornfield

The pathway by the water.

grasping the waning moments of the day

Water in the Clouds

The pathway by the water 2

keep going

A Terre Haute Sunset

2012-07-25 06.41.47

where do we go from here?

A little wooden bridge across a wooded stream

A day for a walk on a wooded path

jamie s grimes folder 2 nature shots 004

el bosque

sunset on the flooded wabash river in terre haute indiana -by jamie s grimes

Deming Park HDR - Take 2

jamie s grimes folder 392