Stone Fence on Smith Farm

Fields, Meadows and Split Rail Fence on Smith Farm - LDS historic site

Entrance to The Sacred Grove #2

Near sunset in The Sacred Grove #3

Entrance to The Sacred Grove

The Sacred Grove - Orton

Stone fence rubble - Smith Farm

The Sacred Grove, near Palmyra, NY #2

Interior of Smith frame home - LDS historic site

Map of Smith Farm (historic LDS site) - showing Sacred Grove

Smith Farm Forester

Remnants of a stone fence - Smith Farm

3 Trees in the Sacred Grove - cropped version

Nature's Carpet - Sacred Grove

sacred grove path

Sacred Grove - morning sunlight

scared grove

Sacred Grove - golden light

Sacred Grove - old growth forest

Grave of Alvin Smith

The real grave stone of Alvin Smith

sacred grove

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York


Wild Strawberries in bloom

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York

Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Manchester, New York