Crouching human, patient dragon

A view from Seaman's Neck Park

Have a seat

Old Westbury Gardens and House

st agnes cathedral

looking back @ st agnes

Jones Beach Boardwalk

Red Head

long island moon

Descending (DSC04718)

The Amityville Horror House today

Artichoke flower

2010 Jones Beach Air Show, New York

st. agnes

Old Westbury Gardens

Jones Beach Boardwalk

Two Lovers

Hotel Room View

Trellis at Old Westbury

sand and sky

Loggerhead Shrike

Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury Gardens

Closed for the season

Old Westbury Gardens

Pre-Dawn II

Veterans Day 2013

Wetlands Country

#weddingphotographer #petersonsloveme #charzannewed #horse #oldbethpage #oldbethpagerestoration

Old Westbury Gardens

Dia #322 / Day #322

Old Westbury Gardens

Sweet Sunset..

Sunset11 (2)

Perfect day for the shore #Irene

Windy Day at Jones Beach

tuesday morning, golden

End of the line

Swept Away..