Farm panoramic 2

UP 1996 Arkport Flats

In Friends We Trust

Francis' View

Overlook, Steuben County, NY

Almond Lake

NS 8848 River

About a week before peak

NYSW 3630 River

NS 13T @ Browns Crossing

CR 6740 river

Conrail 5023 - 318 Semaphore

WNYP 4228 Hornell station

Wabash 1070 River

AdrianNY Sunday 1992-10-11 1742EDT P-0910

Summertime Hill

Cats prowl the valley

O, what I would have given...

CR 6450

NS 1072 goldenrod

6 hour wait

Guilford 7420

12T along the river


Hornell, New York

Out of the Canisteo Valley