Condon, Montana 59826

Wildfire on Cooney Mountain near Swan Valley, Montana (2012)

Down the Lake

winter in the mountains

13 - Camp 1

Mountains Ablaze Near Montana Highway 83

jeep's view of the swan valley

14 - Camp 1

20131022 Holland Lake

part of the swan mountain range

2013-10-03 New Snow

Holland Peak

far away over there.

Holland Lake

Condon and Union Peaks

Holland Lake Lodge

Holland Lake Lodge

Holland Lake view from the falls

Holland Lake

View from the porch. That there on the left is the cabin I grew up in.

Holland Lake Lodge

Holland Lake Rays

Holland Lake (3) - Montana

Postcard Day

An Evening on the Lake

Holland Peak

Rocky Mountain Meadow

rocky mountains in winter

Holland Lake After the Storm

first snow of the year

Holland Lake Colors

Holland Lake Sunstar

Mountains Ablaze Near Montana Highway 83

Flathead National Forest, Montana

Lolo National Forest (2) - Montana