On the road

Southwestern Carson Valley Mountains

Split Road [L&D 8/10]

The Rock Creature

Evening Vista from Minden, NV

Carson Valley, Nevada

Split Fence [L&D 9/10]

Nevada, Minden, Buick / Chervolet, C.O.D. Garage (7,606)

Wood House [L&D 3/10]

Nevada, Minden, Chevrolet / Buick, C.O.D. Garage (7,606b)

Lizardly Lovliness

Old Fence Post

Cinnamon Teal

Willet (Western)

Sandhill Crane

Willet (Western)

Nevada from the sky

Lake Tahoe

First view of Job's peak

Western Kingbird

One of our favorite #views! This one comes from @jthumphrey Thanks for the #perspective #carsonvalley

Carson Valley monkeyflower, Erythranthe carsonensis in habitat

gauge plant, Senecio integerrimus

What's in YOUR neighborhood? - h

Carson Valley Reflection

Road to Kingsbury Grade

Carson Valley, Nevada

South Lake Tahoe, Nevada

U.S. Highway 395, Gardnerville, NV - h

and time won't move at all.

Sunrise Pass area Pine Nut Mountains from SW

South Lake Tahoe, Nevada-California

Genoa, Nevada

Creeping closer

From Topaz Lake to Carson City

Minden-Gardnerville, Nevada

Bromus tectorum along the Carson Range east slope

The Valley Panoramic