Strawberry Frozen Yogurt with Blackberries and Strawberry Popping Boba

Wooberry Frozen Yogurt with Blueberries and Kiwi

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 46

11-02 Bsktbll HS - WCS Crusaders vs St Bernard Bernadians - 40

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 390

10-12 Bsktbll HS - Whitinsville Christian School Crusaders vs Holy Name Naps - 113

View From the 4th Floor

Just Look For Me in a Couple of Days

Think She's on to Us?

Mango Frozen Yogurt with Gummy Bears

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) male dorsal view

Mary Chadwick Brooks Anderson Wearing a Mourning Brooch, Detail, Albumen Cabinet Card of Circa 1855 Daguerreotype, Detail

Not exactly in the rear view, but last visit for a while #wpi #lca #pizeta

Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

... a Confuse sunrise ...

Harlequin Darner (Gomphaeschna furcillata)

View at high point

Northern "Yellow-shafted" Flicker (Colaptes auratus auratus) - Digiscoped

My House, Wachusett View, after the 20+ inches of snow

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 762

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 43

Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Polaroid)

Follow me on instagram @gabrielap93

Icicles (Marlborough, Massachusetts)

Rocks and Trees

Sunset, Ashland MA

Sea of Blood (14)

Serene Scene

Path East

Running high this morning!

Good morning iger pals!


Dry Corn Field

Snow Returns

Fall Color Reflections, Southboro Mass

Hopkinton State Park I

Day 100

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) banded - Federal Band 0974-107 on left leg; "HN" on right leg

On the Course

Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) feathering

Winter Sunrise [still waiting]