Along the grey wall

Between shops

In front of the workshop

Against the old wall

The little lady

I.2010 — Passage du Nord-Ouest, 19. Magasins

Nantes, carousel in Place Royale

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Le Lieu Unique - Nantes

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Nantes, Machines of the Isle


Nantes, Machines of the Isle

L'éveil ! Jardin japonais à Nantes

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Nantes, Machines of the Isle

Japanese garden

20130805_12 Baby moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) being fed by parent :) | Nantes, France

jardin japonais

[Just an instant]

chantier 2011-10 003

[Should i believe ?]


Buren Sunset

Pont de Pornic

Pont de Pornic - Nantes - Rezé

les zombis du petit matin

Bords de l'Erdre, Nantes

Béghin Say - Nantes

The last one

Yellow sea wall

Les prairies

One Way

Stop at the XV Bar

Indre et Loire

loire acidulée

Ruisseau de la Patouillerie


le poussin endormi

Brume et bateaux