Aerial view of Atlantic Towing tug ATLANTIC TEAK bound for Nunavut Baker Lake . A construction project that required several tows from Becancourt Harbour quebec.

Plage Gagnon

La mare à grenouille

Henri IV

Reedolithus quebecensis, a trilobite

Le barrage (2) - The dam (2)

Prospérity - Prosperity

La maison de la Ferme Jobin (Goulet)

Neuville, Québec

Wool Carder Bee Mating.

Plage Gagnon

Aerial view of Enercon E-Ship 1. All copyrights registered. A ship with Flettner rotors assisted propulsion showing a deck load of wind generators. Thiiink copyright infrigement

Aerial view of PEACEMAKER a TAll SHIP sailing under the Quebec bridge_J0K6987w2ssp2

Aerial view of Cargo ship Claude A. Desgagnés IMO 9488059 bound for Milne Inlet Baffin Island Nunavut . Canadian Arctic supply shipping

Aerial View of RO-RO ship OCEANEX CONNAIGRA IMO: 9649718 MMSI: 316025676 Call Sign: - IMG_9616wscsp2

Aerial view of USS FORT WORTH LCS3 United States Navy Littoral combat ship

Follow the lead

View of the Pont de Quebec from the Tower

Sentier des Grèves, Ste-Foy, Québec

Ciel menaçant - Menacing sky

AERIAL VIEW OF USS FORT WORTH United States Navy Littoral combat ship LCS3 Coming through the St-Lawrence Seaway Under the Quebec bridge with pilots


Chutes de la Chaudière 1

Ce matin là, 12 octobre, où il y avait une mince couche de glace. We could see a thin ice on the river that morning!

Chutes-de-la Chaudière, Lévis, Québec vues depuis la passerelle

Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, Lévis, Québec

Ce matin là, 12 octobre, où il y avait une mince couche de glace. We could see a thin ice on the river that morning!

Marina de Cap-Rouge

Rivière du Cap-Rouge

Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, Lévis, Québec

Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, Lévis, Québec

Base de Plein Air de Ste-Foy, Québec

À marée basse - Low tide

Majestueux Saint-Laurent

Dernière douceur de novembre

Rivière du Cap-Rouge

Neuville, Québec (recadrée)

Spring...River...just water...

Coucher de soleil sur Cap-Rouge - Sunset on Cap-Rouge

Il neige chez-moi ce matin. It's snowing this morning.
