2 bancs pour relaxer. Two bench for relax.....

Mother Nature

Dhyana my love... A "douceur de vivre" All around her

City in sight

Crepuscule Montreal

Bâteau sur le St-Laurent.

That damned traffic...

Canard branchu

Classic Duplexes

Red-Orange Robber Fly! (#1)

Jaseur boréal


Maxi McDonald's

Shopping at Simons

Red-Orange Robber Fly (#2)

Glass Buildings

Through the Teeth and Over the Lip

Dhyana my precious ♥ ♥ ♥


Dendrocygne à ventre noir

Good morning #View #Montreal


kayak under the sun

Un moulin en hiver ( Windmill in winter)

Des mille Îles river

Cascade du ruisseau De Montigny-3

End of Sunset

Sunset juste un ti peu plus loin.

A Rusty Fire Hydrant [EXPLORED]

131213 Les berges de la brise, Laval, Canada-1342

Le beau fleuve St-Laurent.

Ghosts of the lake

under the bridge

Beginning Autumn on the Park.

Autumn Reflections

here comes fall

between branches

angel & sunset

a serene place

a bright light

Île des Moulins - Terrebonne