110528- Great View

100725-Distant View

110611- Mandatory Viewing

20130124 003 Libramont. Line 162. Platform View Looking Towards Namur

Corn | Mais

110521- Weed

Forest land art

30.08.14 RRC Longlier vs. RAFC Oppagne-Weris

Yellow Light

Neufchâteau, le lac

05.10.14 Wallonia Club Sibret B vs. Jeun Sp de Tavigny

Colorfull invitation

Chapelle chestrolaise

110710- Can't Get Enough

30.08.14 RRC Longlier vs. RAFC Oppagne-Weris

Belgique - Neufchâteau (Vol. 2)

Bucolic Saturday

110402- Where The Streets Have No Name

Belgique - Neufchâteau (Vol. 1) - Hôtel Eden Ardenne

les vaches de Nivelet


110807- Taking a Stroll

Belgique - Neufchâteau (Vol. 1)

Foxhole 4