Mucawana Tribe Girl, Ruacana, Namibia

Mucawana Tribe Girl, Ruacana, Namibia

Young Himba Woman Called Kasweet, Karihona Village, Ruacana Area, Namibia

Lookout over the Kunene

Sunset Kunene Island Camping

Room with a view (Kunene)

Just the 'pane' remains

Morning Dale, where's the coffee?

Ruacana falls (dry)

Ruacana falls (dry)


The Kunene river near the angolan border in Ruacana

The Kunene river near the angolan border in Ruacana

The Kunene river near the angolan border in Ruacana

The Kunene river near the angolan border in Ruacana

Namibia D3700


Hippo Pools Community Camp - Kunene

Close to the Namibian border, Cunene

Ruacana Falls

Ruacana falls (dry)

Ruacana hydro power station

Ruacana hydro power station

Ruacana falls (dry)

Namibia D3700


Ruacana falls (dry)

Ruacana hydro power station

Namibia D3700