Army of the Spring is ready, welcome… (photo nº800)


Months Later...

No limit on the sky...

Morning View


A most interesting bus garage.


Harbour Night 13_1763

Igreja de S. Francisco de Azurara

Clouds in the ocean...

View from #capeladosocorro #viladoconde #portugal

Central View, Lateral Details...

Moínhos da Apúlia

Azurara II

A view over the old town

Azurara IV

Azurara III

Vila do Conde, Portugal! Caravel!

Vila do Conde @ Azurara #1

Nada mudou...

Foggy Atlantic

Euphydryas aurinia

Praia das Caxinas #2

Dreamy Ocean

Sky dreams

Guiding light - 19-04-2014

The Other Side...

Incoming Storm...

Angeiras III

The end...

The Real End...

Vila do Conde!

Angeiras XIV

Angeiras IV

Angeiras XII

Today morning

Mindelo I

Mindelo II

Rocas y mar