DeVisor Says, "Thank you for adding your DeSotoPhoto to our group"!!

Clouds sans Trees

train tracks revisited

The Things People Steal!

Gilbert Run Park

Flying Higher

The Scullery Stove

Sally Port

Gilbert Run Park

grassy thing

National Colonial Farm

Cadbury Nest

Port Tobacco Courthouse

train tracks revisited

Fog in my Head

One Tulip

Mending Hearts

Jump 3-Two Years Old

To the Sally Port


Potomac River

Translucent and Tattered

Down the Line

Female Eastern Pondhawk

Gilbert Run Park

barn and clouds

Gilbert Run

Mattawoman Creek and the Potomac River in Charles County, Md.



Fort Washington -5

The Scenic Route

Potomac River Sunset

we can escape together



The Untold Benefits of a Flight Delayed

Sunset north of Mount Vernon, Virginia

Fort Washington National Park Apr 16, 2017, 10-35 AM_sharing

Fort Washington National Park Apr 16, 2017, 10-49 AM_sharing

FtWashingtonNatlPark (41)

Riverside Park (38 of 42)