~~ In between bridges ~~

~~ An impression of drunkenness ~~

~~ The ancient and the young ~~

Windy day

The way to Obiou

Light My Fire

Circle Of Fire

Fire 6

~~ Just a question of focus ~~

Take the time to watch the weather changing

I am

Not afraid to stand alone

Rise and fall

And with no human remains from this time, it is a bit like chasing ghosts.

The concrete feeds by itself

Brume sur le champ / Mist over the field

Gorges du Bruyant #2

St Nizier - Villard de Lans

Life on Mars

De Grenoble au Monteynard

The edge...will you follow me ?

Almost in the clouds


La vallée depuis le Moucherotte

Vertige au Pas Ernadant

Winter Landscape

Parc du chateau de Vizille Isère

Mer de nuage - Moucherotte

Paysage d'hiver - Villard de Lans

Le belvédère

Monteynard Lake

Parc du château de Vizille (Isère, France)

Plaine d'Herbouilly, Vercors (Drôme, France)

Parc du château de Vizille (Isère, France)

Barrière orientale

Au dessus des nuages à 1900m d'altitude

Tunnel Végétal

Paisible Meadow

Parc du château de Vizille (Isère, France)