Koonyum Range view

Koonyum Range view

best views in town

above Tuntable Creek

Sub Tropical Rainforest

Room with a view

Clynotis severus

Byron Bay

Main Arm from Koonyum Range

Minyon falls NSW

Coffee and a view

Blue Skimmers mating

Coffee and a view

Male Diplacodes melanopsis shoulder

Female Blue Skimmer

Eastern Iris-skipper dorsal

Male Whitewater Rockmaster lateral

Female Wide-brand Grass-dart lateral

Yellow Sand Wasp

Shield bug on seed pod

Female Pale Hunter lateral

Koonorigan Range

hills above Corndale

paperbarks near Keerrong

Bangalow Palm forest

The Great Bend 2

fog church / house

Out the car window with the iPhone5

Rainbow on Protestors falls

Doon Doon

Yellow Carrabeen

Pachyplocia griseata?

Minyon Falls

Protestors Falls

Numulgi Valley

Eureka hillsides

Turkey Creek

Minyon Bloodwood / Scribbly Gum woodland

Repentance Creek

Nightcap Flow