Earth and Water

Guarding the Emporer's Tomb

Somewhere is Texas The Emperor Reviews His Troops

Texas Lunch

Cross Section

Trio of Terra Cotta Horses

Abandoned Chong Hua Sheng Mu Holy Palace, Golden Globe viewed through Tower

Palace at Forbidden Gardens

Dodge Challenger + Chrysler 300

Dodge Challenger

A view of the wetlands as we drive by. Can see a few egrets.

Katy Mills Outlet Center

Morton Street Gallery, Richmond

Tail wheel well and mechanicals outside view

Live Oaks at Fort Bend County Courthouse

Antique Store, Richmond, Texas

Our House

blue skies.....

Bedroom view

View at the store

Enclave Pkwy.

Sky lake. Cold evening

Golden Sunset on Addicks

Hyde Park Road In Snow

Sun set

Who Needs a Lawn Mower?

Hiding in the Shadows

Mary Jo Peckham Park

stand tall

After Rain

What an amazing day, just take a look at this Big Texas Sky!

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I hope your evening is as beautiful as the sunset was! #godspaintings #beautifulsunset #goodevening

Reflection of trees

Canon S100 test

Winter lake

Katy, Aug 3, 2008

Winter in Texas

George Bush Park

Grassy Sky again

After rain