The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. (Frank Herbert)

the strange and the blue and the red

View of Hobart from Mt.Wellington

stay with me a while

Trains In Tasmania - TR02 + TR03 Train 2-32 Bridgewater Junction.

reaching out

Dance of the Cranes

Fusiliers Cottage - Battery Point, Hobart (Tasmania)

_20A2173 Tasman Bridge

textures of tasmania - postcard from baronia beach 2

Franklin River Mist ...

View from Above

Where I think the most work needs to be done is behind the camera, not in front of it. (Denzel Washington)

night grain [explore #7 07/05/2015]

_20A2150 Mountain View

_20A2181 Hobart from above

the view from here

Dancing on the ceiling? ** Explored **

Hobart, Tasmania Australia

Paradorydium menalus?

The WHALER ** Explored **

in the flow of secrets

it's no secret

Winter Finale

your ghost

stay with me a while

Pictures in the Snow

Messages from the Moon

South of Hobart, Sandy Bay

The Drunken Admiral

Port of Hobart / Порт Хобарт, Тасмания /explore/2020/06/03


all these scars are mine

Tasman Bridge / Мост Тасман-Бридж

Port of Hobart / Порт Хобарт, Тасмания

a sleeping river [explore #18 5/4/15]

Port of Hobart / Порт Хобарт, Тасмания