Biltmore House View

Layers of Nantahala

Biltmore House View II

After the rose petals have fallen

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

View from the Loggia

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

Water Droplet Macro Biltmore Conservatory

Orchid Macro Biltmore Conservatory

Biltmore Conservatory Biltmore Gardens Asheville

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square, Asheville, North Carolina, USA / Architect: William Lee Stoddart / Completed: 1924 / Architectural style: Beaux-arts / Historism

Biltmore Farmyard Tractor (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

Biltmore Conservatory Hibiscus

Biltmore Conservatory Palm Leaf

Biltmore Farmyard Goat (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

Biltmore 07-23-2018 70

Biltmore Farmyard Sign (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

The End Of A Beautiful Day

Carolina Spring

Asheville, North Carolina

Nibbled mushroom (Green-spored Lepiota - Chlorophyllum molybdites)

Biltmore House

Frederick Law Olmsted - North Carolina Arboretum - Asheville NC

Colorful Flowers

Chihuly at Biltmore

dormant kudzu, bare trees, winter landsape, Asheville, NC, Kodak Retina IIIc, Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco developer, 1.7.20

Biltmore Estate, Appalachia

The Biltmore at Christmas

Into the forrest

rear facades, industrial architecture, urban decay, Railroad District, Asheville, NC, Bencini Koroll, Arista.Edu 200, HC-110 developer, 11.12.19

urban landscape, decay, light rain, near dusk, Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC, Nikon SmileTaker, Derev Pan 100, HC-110 developer, 11.6.19

Asheville After Sunset

looking up, treetops, ivy-covered tree trunk, Asheville, North Carolina, Diana F+, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, early May 2018

urban landscape, architecture, railings, cafe lights, near dusk, downtown, Asheville, NC, Pentax Spotomatic, Super Takumar 50mm f-1.4, FPP Derev Pan 400, HC-110 developer, 1.17.20

dangling branch, moving water, reflections, French Broad River, Asheville, NC, Nikon SmileTaker (RF 10), Derev Pan 400, HC-110 developer, 7.12.19

conifers and vines, Asheville, NC, Bencini Koroll, Kodak Tri-X 400, HC-110 developer, 1.4.19