Rutherford County, TN Courthouse - Mufreesboro, TN

Castle Gwynn (Rear View)

The 'Boro Series - Motel Murfreesboro

City Center Building - Murfreesboro, TN.

Greenway Trailhead

Winter In Fortress Rosecrans

Salute to Veterans

Support Our Troops

Lytle Creek Winter II

A Bloody Affair

Lytle Creek Winter

Toil and Mud

Tennessee Barns 7 of 7

Hotel in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

View Towards Nashville Pike

View Towards the Slaughter Pen

Lunette Thomas

Around the Bend

The Little Castle on the Hill

The lights are on...but nobody's home..

Abandoned House - just barely...

Shack in the Woods

Tall Grass

Foggy Tennessee Morning


Fence Tree

Stones River 13 HDR


Rocks in the River.

Stones River National Battlefield 12-30-12

Stones River National Battlefield 12-30-12

The 'Boro Series - Southland Brick and Block

Tennessee Horse Farm

Stones River National Battlefield 12-30-12

Corn at Sunset

Sunset Skygazing

Farmland - Eagleville, TN

tree on hill

Fall 2012

Growing grasses

skygazing full sky