Winter on the Hudson River

shadows on ice

Up the Hudson River Line

it’s been a long time since i last saw this view of the Hudson!

Eastern Sceech Owl ~ "Red Morph"

With this ring…

Peregrine falcon

view from India’s room

Little White Lighthouse

Cliff Hanger

Sunset from our room

#1 for 2011

Come Watch a Solstice

Peregrine and her Prey

Peregrine "The Magnificent"

Peregrine Falcon ~ "Look of Innocence"

Armour–Stiner House

before sunrise

Nyack Beach State Park - Hudson River

Rockefeller's long view

View from Kykuit

MacMillan Reservoir In New Jersey


Winter sunset in upstate New York

Sleepy Hollow NY - Philips Manor Halloween 04

Winding Road

Philipsburg Manor, mill & dam

Sleepy Hollow NY - Philips Manor Halloween 03

Croton Point at the golden hour

Savannah Sparrow (Thanks for help)

Philipsburg Manor

icy hudson, looking south

Philipsburg Manor, mill & dam

Philipsburg Manor

Philipsburg Manor

Wyckoff, NJ Demarest Ave

Ramapo River Mahwah_0217

We're Not Alone

An Evening in June

Stone bridge over Pocantico River

Nyack Beach State Park - Hudson River

Morning light