Earth and Water

Katy Mills Outlet Center

The view this morning...

Silo Row

365.122 Welcome to Life

Antique Store, Richmond, Texas

Woke up to a great view here in Houston. Heading back to San Antonio after an amazing weekend!

Big Ben Tavern (left side)

Big Ben Tavern (right side)

Sunrise Over The Coastal Plains

HMNS Sugarland Meet-up

View at the store

Annular solar eclipse (Phases of)

Morton Street Gallery, Richmond

View at the aisles

Telfair Fountain

Community Pool Entrance

1959 Corvette Side View

The other BIF

I walked out of work today and the view was breathtaking.

BNSF work train at Rosenberg Junction TX

It Occurred To Jane That The Tree Was Probably Happier Than She'd Ever Be

Hwy 96 New Mexico No. 4

a lonely business

Rosenberg Thunderstorm 170810

After Rain

stand tall

Snow On Pines II


Texas SkY's

Fall Afternoon 2012 (18)

Above South Blvd No. 14

What an amazing day, just take a look at this Big Texas Sky!

Winter in Texas

I hope your evening is as beautiful as the sunset was! #godspaintings #beautifulsunset #goodevening

Fifth Grade

IMG20131004165427 (2)

Foggy December Morning 2

Who Needs a Lawn Mower?

Sunrise In Sugar Land

I was distracted by this while cycling into a 25 mph headwind this morning. #mysocalledweekend #mscwspace
