Harrier - Dorsal View

Startling view looking up at the security cameras. Almost amphibious and somewhat alien.

View of Midland

Midland, Texas

"Diamond Lil"

Wind Farms

Wind Farms

Departing Midland

Long view of the rather modest-sized MIdland terminal

View from the top

Front view taking delivery

Rear view. Love that 240!!!

Gonna try the old "needle in the neck trick" to see if I can stop the pain in my left arm. Seeing it from the patient's point-of-view.

View from the top of Mt. Locke. #igtexas #FtDavis

It's the first day of the rest of our life. #sunrise #airport

Here is the final image. #photosbyrichard #NightSky #night #stars #star #west #texas #westtexas #sunset @weatherchannel @ilovetexasphoto @instagramtexas

#dandelions at #sunset in @cityofmidland #midland #Texas #westtexas @sunrise_and_sunsets

West Texas

That moment when you've waited months to do a vertical landscape and the moon is a no show. #photosbyrichard

Switching. Through the trees.

Along the tracks. Odessa TX

Lake Mead in the foreground. Hoover dam and the highway bypass bridge in the distance. #iphone #southwest #airplaneshot

Beautiful West Texas sunset this evening. I know there is probably a beautiful moonrise on the other side of the building too. Soon getting off at 7pm will be just in time to see the evening sky change, other than through the window.

last year

Buffalo Wallow #odessa #texas

What do you #think about this @adventuregirltx ? It is #freezing but the #landscape is #beautiful! #TioRV #TravelMyPlanet

Spring blooms along the highways of West Texas.

the entourage

Pumpjack and windmill

West Texas Green Space

What a day to fly.

Flower Fields UTPB

Dec 1, 2014 Odessa Tx. 1800 hrs