remains from the past

@dcliffs (Arabic: الشرقية Ash-Sharqīyah)


the cliffs / Ash-Sharqīyah

Old Jeddah Houses , Saudi Arabia

Old Jeddah buildings - Saudi Arabia

Old Mashrabiyah Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

The cat and the Mashrabiyah - Jeddah Saudi Arabia

USA to Saudi Arabia: "Your turn" to bomb the world into safety

B.P. New York Street

Kingdom City - Jeddah

US of Israel's Homeland Sunni Terrorist visas from CIA-Mossad Tel Aviv-Washington. CIA's terrorists merely "invigorate" PNAC's 911 police state Homeland for your "security" of their taxpaid terrorist armies. But who notices? Shalom! -RT

US of Israel's 911 Junta is ISIS and Al Qaeda with GOP-DEM campaigning for eternal terror forever. The choice was made by Bill Kristol & Dick Cheney 1998 PNAC..

Old Jeddah’s historic treasures are in danger of being lost - Saudi Arabia

mud house

Jeddah :: The Perfect Sunrise || one RAW

Jeddah old town - Saudi Arabia

Jeddah old ottoman Moucharabiah - Saudi Arabia

Old Jeddah Houses renovation , Saudi Arabia

Old Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

::: Thursday's Sandstorm :::

لاهبت نسايمـ على ذيكـ الصحاري..


Desert Sand

هدوء الرمال . sands calm

Tuwaiq Mountains

Waves of sand

My trip to Desert (Edge of The World )

Arabian Night

Camels life

The Desert - Explore

The Desert

Always alone

Pyramid sandy

Artery of Sandy HDR

Al nofoud

Sandy Abstraction

The desert

Desert inspired..!

هنا !!

كنتــ أظــ ن ""

stay stronger..!!