A Road Heading off to the Mountains of Texas (Big Bend National Park)

1200' Walls of the Boquillas Canyon (Big Bend National Park)

A Graveled Road Leading off to Peaks of the Sierra del Carmen (Big Bend National Park)

A Varied Desert Landscape (Big Bend National Park)

A Hot Spring on the Rio Grande (Big Bend National Park)

The Rio Grande (Big Bend National Park)

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Edge of Texas at the Rio Grande near Boquillas Canyon (Picture A Day November 11, 2009)

Picture A Day November 12, 2009 - Yellow Rock Nettle (Eucnide bartonioides) at Big Bend

A Forest of Greens Along the Rio Grande and Border (Big Bend National Park)

Rio Grande Surrounded by the 1200 Foot Walls of the Boquillas Canyon (Big Bend National Park)

An Ant's Perspective (Big Bend National Park)

A Late Morning View Across the Chihuahuan Desert to Peaks of the Sierra del Carmen (Big Bend National Park)

Mountainside After Mountainside Until Pico de Cerda (Big Bend National Park)

Mountainside After Mountainside Until Pico de Cerda (Black & White, BIg Bend National Park)

Towering Peaks of the Boquillas Canyon and Sierra del Carmen (Black & White, Big Bend National Park)

Ernst Tinaja Hole, Big Bend NP

Hillsides, Ridgelines and Mountain Peaks (Big Bend National Park)

A Tunnel with the Sierra del Carmen as a Backdrop (Big Bend National Park)

Looking Across the Desert Landscape of Big Bend National Park

Rio Grande afternoon, Big Bend National Park, TX

Walking Along the Shores of the Rio Grande (Big Bend National Park)

Towering Walls as a Backdrop for a Border with Mexico and the Rio Grande

1200' Walls of the Boquillas Canyon (Black & White, Big Bend National Park)

A Graveled Road Leading off to Peaks of the Sierra del Carmen (Black & White, Big Bend National Park)

Roadrunner 01

Tinaja Carlota

Big Bend National Park

The Rio Grande and Boquillas Canyon

The Deep Desert - Big Bend National Park, Texas