1978 05-20 1800 CR SD45-6076 W/B at Altoona, PA

Juniata Throwback

PRR 5809 around Horseshoe Curve

The Race Continues...

NKP 765, NS 8102 (Pennsylvania), NS 8098 (Conrail)

Tunnel Vison

1973 side of windowlessness, at nonprofit housing for senior citizens in downtown Altoona.

The senior citizens are encouraged to imagine that they are living on a cruise ship.

Down the East Slope: NS 36A-31 feat. NS 911 "Honoring First Responders"

Pennsylvania: Approaching the Horseshoe Curve in the Winter

It is putting the "little" in "Little Juniata River."

Pennsylvania: The Altoona Railroad Museum

Not that long ago

Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark - View from Overlook

Atop the Tunnel

Long View

Out of the Containment Area

Headed for the Horseshoe

Enjoying the view

Pennsylvania Fall Foliage

Helper Power

Broadway on Horseshoe


80MACs on the Curve

Contradictory Roadrailer

Tunnel Hill helpers

Morning Freight

1982 04-24 0933 AMTK F40PH-380, 316 E/B 40 Altoona, PA

NS 20K - Horseshoe Curve, Pennsylvania

Snow Squalls and Trains

Horseshoe Curve

Double Heritage

Mountain Magic - The Alleghenies

NS 509 west at Coburn. NS 9638 C40-9W with helper 6332 SD40E ahead

Norfolk Southern #9481

Altoona, PA 2015

Summer fun!