Chirp Chirp

Better together

Total Solar Eclipse 2017

Lake Parsippany Sunset_2828

Exploring Light and Sound

Through the Trees

CONRAIL EMD GP-38 Number 7868 (Side View) in Morristown & Erie Railroad Yard

Mountain View, Whippany Railroad Museum (2 of 2)

AMTRAK Express Boxcar Number 1434 (2 of 3).jpg

Ray of Light

Central Park Cedar Knolls_17957

Whippany River Cedar Knolls_17960-17961

M&E 16

Mountain View Shuffle

Three Views of Three Tables (3)

Sunrise Over Boonton_3176

The Epitome Of Spring II (Yellow Warbler)

Lackawanna Railway Express Agency Railcar Number 2038 (2 of 2)

Wintry Morning_8614

Red and Tan Twisted Bus, White Motor Company (3 of 3)

1948 Fleetline Chevrolet Aerostar, Bottle Hill Day Celebration, Madison, NJ

Reflection @ Lake Surprise, New Jersey, USA

Lake Surprise @ Watchung Reservation, New Jersey, USA

Late Afternoon Sun @ Lake Surprise, New Jersey, USA

The Manhattan Skyline

New York Sunrise

Delaware Water Gap

The 9/11 Memorial at Eagle Rock Reservation

Manhattan Skyline

She Asked Me Where I'm From

Autumn Road

Low fog over the lake

Morning Fog

the earth is not a cold dead place.

Autumn by the Lake

Briefly and then it's gone

Whippany River Hanover_17935

The tree that refused to believe it was winter


Griffith Park_17096

A Sea of Colors