Scottsville United Methodist Church

Where Ballenger Creek Meets the James River

Looking North West

Scottsville 05

The view from the campsite

Pretty View

Coconut Custard

Lumpkin's Chicken

Scottsville Levee

Vintage Gourmet

Keene building

Lumpkin's Cobbler

Lumpkin's Menu

Piedmont Vet

Spider Redux

2008 Pie Day Team

Outside Lumpkin's

vineyard view

Calm Day on the James

Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia vmnst11_1982

White Heath Aster Symphyotrichum ericoides vmnst11_2030

Gig with #infullband

Liberty Corner Farm ground cover

Sky Over Blenheim Vineyards

US VA Charlottesville - Carters Mountain Rd

rocky river

The Grapes

A. Ramon Thacker Levy - Scottsville, VA

Flood Water Levels - Scottsville, VA

Victory Hall - Scottsville, VA

St. John's Church - Scottsville, VA

Hardware River Wildlife Mgt. Area

abundant algae

Redlands (1798)

working a pool

Brick Home on Harrison Street - Scottsville, VA

Hardware River Wildlife Mgt. Area

James River Brewing - Scottsville, VA